If your child feels anxious, fearful or stressed about their dental visit, our pediatric dentists may recommend oral conscious sedation to help them feel more at ease. This form of sedation is effective and easy to receive, allowing your child to have a more comfortable dental experience and receive the care they need to enjoy a healthy mouth and smile.

What is Oral Conscious Sedation?

Oral sedation is a form of conscious sedation, meaning that your child will feel relaxed and comfortable while also remaining awake. The sedative is provided in the form of an oral medication which your child will take prior to their appointment. Dr. Derrick Cantu or Dr. Christi Wengler will provide instructions on how to prepare your child for their treatment and what time they should take the medication. By the time you and your child arrive at our office they will feel relaxed, and possibly drowsy, and be able to receive the care they need.

Our pediatric dentists and team will discuss your child’s medical history, oral health needs and treatment plan to determine if oral sedation is the right option for them. We will also provide instructions on post-treatment care to help your child recover following their visit to our office.

Benefits of Oral Sedation?

Oral sedation offers several benefits, including:

  • A simple and easy to use option
  • The sedative takes effect quickly
  • No lingering side-effects, aside from some initial drowsiness
  • Usually less expensive than other forms of sedation

Make An Appointment

For more information about oral sedation in San Antonio, Texas, and to schedule a consultation with our pediatric dentists, call Pediatric Dentistry of San Antonio today at 210-680-7841.